Property tax appeals is something that every county government is faced with but between waiting for incoming applications, missing or inaccurate information, the physical distribution of documents, and misplaced files the process can be cumbersome, lengthy, and error prone. Often agencies suffer from decreased productivity, slow response times, and a lack of effective communication with constituents, taxing bodies, and townships.
IDT has solutions to help. Our team of seasoned professionals can provide your agency with a comprehensive automated Property Tax Appeals Management solution. Built upon industry leading information management technology, our solution can streamline and speed up every step necessary to complete constituent property tax appeal requests. This makes for a more rapid, efficient appeals process by automating the capture of documentation online and allowing taxing bodies, townships and the Assessor’s Office to communicate easily and more effectively. This all translates to getting Property Tax Appeal requests satisfied more rapidly with less effort from your resources and other agencies.
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IDT’s Paperless Property Tax Appeals solution enables agencies to achieve their goals, comply with external agency requirements and comply with State statutory regulations around notifications during the appeals process. Each step of an appeal process can be automated through business process automation & document distribution technology. The process is transformed, allowing documentation to be submitted, reviewed, and approved electronically. Assessor’s Office employees receive automated alerts when new documents or actions are required in their work queue. Agency Managers have greater visibility into the entire appeals process using visual tools like reporting dashboards, as well as data on a constituent’s status at any point in the process. At every point in the appeals process the County has complete access to supporting documentation and evidence needed to bring each request to closure. Once an appeal is approved or denied, IDT’s Property Tax Appeals Solution automatically alerts the necessary agencies of any changes made to the value of the property and pending tax bills.
IDT’s Property Tax Appeals Solution enables your constituents to submit all necessary documents in the comfort of their home, through an online web portal. This eliminates the hassle of mailing paper request forms or taking valuable time to drive to a physical location to file their appeal. This also eliminates the risk of constituents not providing all of the information necessary to begin the process. Constituents stay connected and can communicate with you at any point during the process. Constituents can make inquiries, receive responses and notifications, provide supporting documentation as needed—all eliminating the need for frequent visits to the county Assessments office.
The document retrieval process is a tedious one, involving file rooms, shipping between departments, villages, incurring coping costs, and long waits. IDT’s Property Tax Appeals Solution eliminates slow service to constituents, allows staff to review documents simultaneously, retrieves data from a central database, integrates with legacy property / permanent Index number (PIN) IT systems, and makes staff more accountable to both internal and external customers. The retrieval process goes from days to just a few seconds. Certain counties have noted a 2/3 reduction in cycle time.
Property tax appeals letters tend to arrive at the same time each year. Instead of hiring staff to match the work level, look to IDT to reduce the time and manpower required in retrieving, copying, and distributing transaction documents. Staff work in familiar interfaces, initializing and tracking appeals through existing software, eliminating time consuming training on new programs. With budget cuts and reduced property tax revenue, doing more with less resources is even more important in every level of government. Empower your staff to achieve higher levels of productivity and service by utilizing IDT’s proven Property Tax Appeals Solution.
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